
Dr. James Sylvia and the team at Berkeley Chiropractic Center in Goldsboro, NC, are committed to helping you live healthily and pain-free through nutrition guidance and other natural techniques.

Role of Nutrition in Chiropractic Care

Many things can impact your health for better or worse. Likewise, many things can impact your spinal health and the results of your chiropractic treatment. Nutrition is just one of these things, but it plays an integral role. Below, Dr. Sylvia and the team at Berkeley Chiropractic Center in Goldsboro, NC, explain the importance of nutrition and why it’s a key part of your chiropractic treatment.

Your Body Is a Machine

You might have heard at some point that the body is a machine, and that’s very true. It’s a complex machine made up of various intricate systems that work together to keep you healthy, alive, and moving forward every day.

Like any other machine, the body needs to be maintained properly and provided with the substances it needs. Unlike machines, though, the body doesn’t need oil and synthetic fluids. It needs vitamins, nutrients, and minerals – all of which come from the foods we take in. Eating well means that you are fueling your body to do its various jobs.

Food Has Healing Power

Food isn’t just for keeping you full or providing a tasty treat. It can actually heal. Different foods contain different vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, all of which do a specific job. Some fight inflammation. Others provide extra protein for muscle health. Others build strong bones. No matter what condition or symptoms you face, your chiropractor can provide recommendations for food that can help provide natural relief.

Food Can Contribute to Your Symptoms

Just as food can help, it can also harm. Some foods can cause or increase inflammation, for example. Some can impact your blood circulation, which impedes the healing process. Trained chiropractors can provide guidance for any foods you should reduce or eliminate from your diet.

Nutrition is Personal

Everyone has different lives, symptoms, and needs. Therefore, there is not one single nutrition plan for every person. Instead, it needs to be customized to the individual. Your chiropractor can take the guesswork out and provide the customized guidance you need.

Learn more about how nutrition can improve your health and the results of your chiropractic treatment by visiting Dr. Sylvia at Berkeley Chiropractic Center in Goldsboro, NC. Call (919) 341-1818 to schedule your appointment today.

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